(as approved for publication by speakers - status 22.10.2024)
New GMOs/NGTs: What is on markets and in development pipelines? Samson Simon, Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Germany
NGT legal framework in the EU: What can we expect? Dietmar Vybiral, Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, Austria​
The Non-GMO Project: 17 years of experience with Non-GMO certification in the USA Erin Auld + Pauline Lauvin, The Non-GMO Project, USA
​The organic perspective on ensuring GM-free value chains: Current experiences and future prospects Eric Gall, IFOAM Organics Europe
Worldwide supply and demand of Non-GMO crops Maxime Montserret, Bunge​​
European supply of Non-GMO crops Bertalan Kruppa, Donau Soja Association, Hungary
​European demand and trends for Non-GMO crops Daniele Marcomin, Agribusiness di Covolato srl, Italy
​Regenerative agriculture: How does Non-GMO fit in and what is needed to scale up? Ruud Overbeek, Foodchain ID, USA
​Achieving environmental, social, and legal compliance: The benefits of certification schemes Kristin Komives, ISEAL Alliance, UK